In today’s business world, it is beneficial to be able to tap into every resource available that ensures you better leads. Inbound leads are the lifeblood of your business, but one of the most important factors when it comes to leads is that a majority of them are organic.
There are a myriad of reasons why organic leads are crucial to your business strategy. Here are a few to keep in mind.

Organic Taps Into Your Existing Resources

Organic leads tap into what you already have within your business. For instance, you can target existing customers, expand into other products and services, and even go international.
Other more rudimentary ways to foster leads include knowing your demographic, researching keywords, engaging in interesting customer or business conversation, creating video content, and posting targeted social content.
For instance, micro-moments are easily propagated through engaging content. When potential customers are searching for a particular item, your company website needs to have content that is not only interesting but also fulfills their curiosity and encourages them to stay longer.

Why Is This Important?

The term “organic leads” means that the target is coming to your site directly. This can be from a newsletter, squeeze page, or anything else related to or found on your site.

Search engines such as Google note these algorithms, and your website becomes more relevant and popular. In doing so, your site ranks higher on searches, which means more of your demographic sees it.
As many as 61 percent of marketers say improving SEO and growing their organic presence is their top inbound marketing priority, according to HubSpot.

According to Internet Live Stats:
Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day.
By ranking high in search engines, your business gets more exposure and can be found in a way that doesn’t leave customers feeling like they’re being heavily marketed to.

A Winning Combination

The best course of action is a balanced combination of organic leads and expanding your reach through a media marketing firm. With this strategy, you can effectively gain a powerful edge over your competition.

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